Chickadee Says: Garden of the Gods: My Dogs Cool Custom Dog Leash Review

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Garden of the Gods: My Dogs Cool Custom Dog Leash Review

Hello Darlings!

Have you ever woken up incredibly early and full of energy for no apparent reason? Strangely enough for a night owl like myself, it was one of those days. So I made the hour and fifteen minute trek down the Garden of the Gods, a gorgeous public park that sits just outside Colorado Springs, with Tinkerbelle riding shotgun sporting a very snazzy custom leash from My Dogs Cool.

I had been wanting to get (spoil) Tink with another leash that is better for hiking as Colorado has a bit of a different mountain system than Connecticut. So when I discovered My Dogs Cool on twitter I was very interested.

The leashes from My Dogs Cool are fully customizable. You begin by choosing a color of heavy duty climbing rope, and from there select a length and clip style based on the size of your dog and what you plan to use the leash for. I ended up choosing a six foot leash as Tink likes to explore, but you have the option of choosing a leash up to fifteen feet or a lead as short as three feet. Based on how large your dog is you have a number of options of connecting hardware. I chose the standard stainless steel clip, but for those of you with massive dogs there are a three more options, including a carabiner.

The Color I Chose Is Called Blue Agave

I know all of these options are well and good, and when you add in incredibly fast shipping and a limited lifetime warranty these leashes sound great, but do they work? The answer is a resounding yes. The leash I received is both beautiful and incredibly well made. The leashes two loops, one for the handle and one for the leash clip, are secured with heavy duty metal hardware that doesn’t budge. Tinkerbelle, although only fifty pounds, is a block of muscle and incredibly strong. Samoyeds are sled dogs and are built to pull much more than their body weight, and this often causes leashes to fray and come apart, often on the first use. This was not the case with this custom dog leash.

Another problem I often come across with the various leashes I have tried is that the pieces of the leash or the leash’s material gets caught and pulls on Tinkerbelle’s abundance of fur. This wasn’t a problem with the My Dogs Cool leash. Tink was bounding up rock structures and chasing after rabbits with the leash pulling in every different direction and not one hair was stuck in any of the hardware or to the climbing rope. Because of it’s smoothness the rope is also very gentle on my skin as well, no red rug burns for me! Also, a jump ring is included on the leash’s handle, perfect for carting around a doggie bag container or a pop up bowl!

Overall I am incredibly pleased with Tink’s new leash and highly recommend My Dogs Cool, which happens to be made in the USA- always a plus! Hopefully soon I will be trying out one of their three feet leads as walking Tink in downtown Denver traffic is a bit tricky.

Make sure to check out My Dogs Cool on Twitter and Facebook if you ask nicely they might just send you a 15 percent off code that is good through the end of June- tell them @ChickadeeSays sent you!

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