Chickadee Says: Current Obsessions

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Current Obsessions

Hello Darlings!

I have been incredibly busy lately. With yoga teacher training taking up over 20 hours of my weekends, plus all of the homework that comes with it, a full time job, and my gorgeous little Tinkerbelle to take care of, I’ve really had to figure out what I want to focus on. And with that, I’ve noticed that I have quite a few things that I’m a bit obsessed with. So I figured with it being Blogtober and all, that I would share!

1. Yoga Philosophy

I have loved learning about the philosophy that is integral to yoga. I’m currently in the middle of two books that are really interesting, The Trance of Scarcity and The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which can be a little dense at times but are really thought provoking!

2. Instagram

So, I have always been a bit obsessed with Instagram; I love to drool over everyone’s delicious looking food porn, get inspired by post-workout selfies, and aww over cute puppies but recently I have been really getting into the yoga community (a segment of the #fitfam that is practically omnipresent on my feed) like I said I would in my Autumn To-Do List post. I am having so much fun sharing my progress and tracking others through the October challenges!

3. Fall Weather

Denver has been absolutely gorgeous this autumn! Bright sunshine, rather warm (I am very much so not a cold-lover), and very dry which is fabulous as I’m a native new Englander where fall equals wet. I love bringing Tink to the park and sharing the outdoors with her!

4. Autumn Spices

When it comes to autumn spices saying that I am obsessed is a rather large understatement. All throughout the year I am a nutmeg junkie. A season during which it is acceptable for me to use nutmeg, cloves, allspice, star anise, and cinnamon in just about every recipe? Yes, please. (Psst. Check out my How to Make Your Home Smell Like Fall, Spiced Pomegranate Martini, and Autumn Spice Baked Sweet Potato Fries if you’re looking for some spicy fall fun!)

5. You!

Cheesy, I know, but because of the whirlwind that is my life right now I’ve really come to appreciate this online community! When I’m feeling super stressed out I can just pop onto my computer and browse your comments, blog posts, tweets, Instagrams, Tumblr, and Facebook messages and take my mind off of things! So thank you internet friends, blends (blogger friends) and ‘real-life’ friends and family who I know read this! You guys are all fabulous!

What are you obsessed with this autumn? Let me know in the comments below!

Remember to follow me on Instagram ,  and like ChickadeeSays on Facebook to get updates, sneak peeks, and lots more pictures of Tinkerbelle!

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