Chickadee Says: Spring To-Do List: 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring To-Do List: 2014

Hello Darlings!

Happy Spring! I can’t believe that I have lived in Denver for almost a year already! When people ask where I’m from I still say that I’m an East Coast girl, but with how much I love Colorado I’m thinking that needs to change (and maybe update my about me!). As this is my first full spring season here in Denver I’ve come up with a list of things that I would love to see, accomplish, or experience, and there’s no better time to start than on the Spring Equinox!

1. Break in my new hiking boots!
I received a wonderful pair of heavy-duty hiking boots from Santa this year and they’ve just been hanging out in my closet. With the warmer weather coming it is time to take those babies out with Tinkerbelle for a test drive!

2. Host a Spring Brunch.
I adore the colors of spring and everything that goes along with it, new growth, newborns- the whole shebang. I have a rather ridiculous amount of fun housewares and table settings that are perfect for brunch so I might as well show them off! Plus, there's no better time to serve my Spiked Lavender Lemonade!

3. Be able to breathe!
This sounds silly, but when it comes to running I am still not used to the altitude here at the base of the Rockies. I am fine when it comes to lifting, yoga, and lots of other fitness activities, but when you ask me to go run outside I just am not a happy camper! Here’s to being able to run the Color Run in July!

4. Explore Colorado’s cultural events.
I am not particularly fond of being cold. So when it comes to winter I am either doing something that involves sweating or inside. I can’t wait to explore the spring festivals and concerts that will abound in Denver and the surrounding areas!

5. Share my exploring here on Chickadee Says.
 I know I’ve gotten away from sharing what I’ve been up to here on the blog and I can’t wait to return to that! In the mean time make sure to follow me on Instagram- I’m a bit insta-obsessed!

Do you have a spring to-do list? Let me know what you’re planning on getting up to this spring in the comments below!

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