Hello Darlings!
For any of you darlings that have been following
ChickadeeSays on Instagram, Twitter, or right here on the blog for any amount
of time, you are well-aware of the extent of my obsession with my sweetheart of
a Samoyed, Tinkerbelle. I bring her everywhere with me. She’s been to brunch,
the farmer’s market, Denver Pride, on road trips, and for drinks in the park.
Needless to say, she is great with crowds, noise, and other strange things that
pop up when a mob of people is around. She won’t, however, be coming to
celebrate the Fourth of July fireworks with me.
Fourth of July is an extremely stressful holiday for pets.
Alcohol flows like water, sparks from firecrackers fly erratically, food drops
from over-full plates, harmful substances like bug spray and sunscreen are
easily accessible, and loud, booming noises are a give-in. It is a perfect
storm for pet accidents.
I found this great article from the ASPCA that lists the do’s
and don’ts of celebrating Fourth of July with your pet, if you’re a dog owner
you should most definitely check it out:
Remember, even if your dog if fine with crowds, loud noises,
and many of the other holiday triggers, like Tinkerbelle is, many other dogs
might not be. And scared puppies can lead to agitated pets that are on their
guard. So buy your pet a new Fourth of July toy (that they can't destroy!) and leave them home where they
are comfortable and safe!
Do you have any fun plans for the Fourth of July?
Remember to follow me on