So this is just under a month late (whoops!) but the darling Maria at Pappa Don’t Preach nominated me for a Sunshine Award! Which in a few words, is an award ‘given to those who inspire and bring ‘sunshine’ into our lives.’ I can’t get over how sweet that sentiment is. Thanks so much for Maria for nominating me!
There are just a couple rules for the Sunshine Award:
1. Include award logo in a post or on your blog.
2. Link to the person who nominated you.
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself.
4. Nominate 10 bloggers to receive the award.
And now to answer Maria’s questions!
1. What’s your ideal way to spend a Sunday morning?
Snuggled in bed with this little critter followed by brunch with friends in the early afternoon!
2. What is your favorite type of exercise?
I’m a yoga girl! I’m currently in the middle of my 200 hour yoga teacher training and my 95 hour children’s yoga teacher training. So much work but SO worth it!
3. Best day/event this summer?
There were so many good ones this summer! But I loved Yoga on the Rocks. On top of such an awesome atmosphere and scenery, it was so cool to see so many people in the yoga community get together and practice as one.
4. Favorite fall activity?
Anything outdoors! I love hiking in the fall as the leaves change and I can’t wait to go pumpkin and apple picking!
5. 3 things you never leave home without?
If you’ve seen my What’s In My Travel Bag post you might know that I pretty much pack a suitcase in my pocketbook. But the top three would be sunglasses, my phone, and a water bottle.
6. All time favorite movie?
I’m cheating and saying two. Happy Feet and Monty Python and the Holy Grail. How’s that for an odd pair?
7. What time do you usually go to bed?
I’m a night owl. I always say, “If you make me stay up to five I’ll be fine, wake me up at five and I might try to bite your head off.” Unless I have to be up super early the next day I go to sleep around two am.
8. Favorite vegetable?
Roasted root vegetables. All of them. Beets, sweet potatoes, purple potatoes? Yes, please. (Psst. Check out my recipe for roasted root veggies!)
9. Least favorite vegetable?
Broccoli. I refused to eat ‘trees’ when I was a kid and now it’s the texture. I will, however, eat the stems.
10. What was the best part of your day?
I’m a bit late so I’m writing this is the morning, but so far, walking Tink in this gorgeous Denver weather has been the best part of my day!
Any my nominees are (in no particular order):
1. Lauren from Sweat the Sweet Stuff
2. Heather from Better With Veggies
3. Kallie from But First, Coffee
4. Lynne from Lgsmash
5. Hannah from Hannah, Here
6. Karen from KPsays
7. Lauren from Me and the Mountains
8. Heather from Pinkaholic Fitness
9. Kat from Love and Ace
10. Lee from Fit Foodie Finds
My ten questions:
1. What are your top 3 workout essentials?
2. Favorite dessert food?
3. What is your favorite accessory for fall? (I’m in love with scarves!)
4. Do you have a pet? If so let’s see! If not, what is your favorite animal?
5. Favorite vegetarian recipe?
6. What social media are you most obsessed with?
7. If you could go anywhere in the world right now where would you go?
8. What song do you have on repeat right now?
9. What’s your favorite cocktail? (alcoholic or non-alcoholic!)
10. Favorite thing about blogging?
I would love to hear everyone’s answers to my questions in the comments below! Also, I, very obviously, am obsessed with Instagram (as you can see from the pictures I used!) so leave your Instagram handle in the comments too! I’m ChickadeeSays !